
Things that seemed important enough at the time

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Creating feeds?

Does anyone know of an online service that will make feeds for pages that don't have them? I'm getting tired of having to read actual web pages :)


  • At 7:53 AM, May 20, 2005, Blogger mudface said…

    You lazy bum! Back in my day we didn't have snazzy feeds. We had to read each and every website with our own damn tired eyes. And we LIKED it.

  • At 4:25 PM, May 20, 2005, Blogger Paul said…

    kinja maybe? it's an aggegator anyway.

  • At 8:24 PM, May 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Check out They have quite a few feeds, a lot of them are scraped.

  • At 10:49 PM, May 26, 2005, Blogger cflake said…

    kinja hasn't been able to get anything from sites I've tried, and newsisfree doesn't have ones for the sites I'm looking for (which are pretty obscure). Brian emailed me with some suggestions, but they all seem to require a server so you can scrape pages yourself... I'll keep my eyes open, but nothing too promising yet :(


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