Greetings from the internet!
I find it kind of amusing that Bloglines just did their site redesign just as I am trying to cut back on my RSS feeds. They've got quite a few changes - the new graphics don't make much a difference for me, but I suppose everything needs rounded tabs and fancy rollovers these days. They have a new blog section, which appears let you make something similar to Scoble's linkblog, but I haven't spent much time with it. Along those lines theres better UI for doing your blogroll (which I may get to someday), storing clippings, and other things I haven't found. I appreciate that they now seem to wrap text better for titles and articles, and that the service seems to be working a little faster. Feeds now show the number of subscribers (that is, subscribers via bloglines), so I can compare Scoble's number (2259) with mine (1, me). I gotta write about more interesting stuff...
I'm down to 129 feeds now, and still trying to do some trimming. It's been difficult with all of the post-WWDC... um... posts, since it's been a good way to find interesting people, such as James Duncan Davidson. Also, I randomly found a "blog" for Alton Brown.
A little side project of mine has caused me to do some learning about AppleScript support in Cocoa, and I have learned - it is hard. Well, it is if you are doing something other than the standard things spelled out in the NSDocument-style examples. It makes me realize how nice it is when I actually have something I can debug in gdb, as opposed to wondering "why didn't that work?" out loud. The other day I found some example code from Buzz via CocoaDev (which is run by Steven Frank). I found it amusing since I saw both of these people last week, and as of a month ago I had never met Buzz, and didn't know abotu the CocoaDev site. Everything is connected it seems...
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