
Things that seemed important enough at the time

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Bike to work day!

I rode in today to join in the festivities - like getting a free box of apple juice. Mmmm, juicy.

Since we moved into the new house I've been trying to ride my bike in at least once a week, and it's working out well so far (on average). It takes me about 30 minutes to ride the 6 miles each way, helped by the semi-decent timing of the lights on DeAnza, and hindered by my out-of-shape-ness and the fact that I ride a mountain bike. Biking seems to be the only way to remind myself to get exercise, since the bed gives a more convincing argument that stops me from going to the gym in the mornings.

If you didn't ride to work today - there's still time! Drive home right now and ride your bike back!
UPDATE: ok, there probably isn't time anymore.


  • At 3:50 PM, May 20, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks for making me feel like the slug I am!

  • At 4:14 PM, May 21, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I do not feel overly guilty, since I live 50 miles away and also did not go to the office on Bike To Work day :P



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