
Things that seemed important enough at the time

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Steven Banks

Wow. The internet rules.

Back in the day I taped a comedy routine that was on Showtime, and forced everyone I knew to watch it. It was "Steven Banks Home Entertainment", and of course, it's on youtube:

Steven Banks Home Entertainment - Part 1
Steven Banks Home Entertainment - Part 2
Steven Banks Home Entertainment - Part 3
Steven Banks Home Entertainment - Part 4
Steven Banks Home Entertainment - Part 5
Steven Banks Home Entertainment - Part 6
Steven Banks Home Entertainment - Part 7

It's pretty funny, and he does a bunch of really great songs. He sings, plays guitar, banjo, bass, harmonica, drums... I was amazed back when I first saw it, and it's still really cool.

I've been hoping they would release it on DVD, but I guess this will do for now. I still have my VHS copy, if anyone ever wants to see it in it's continuous glory.

I also stumbled upon the Steven Banks wikipedia entry and was surprised to find out that I'd seen him recently as the mime in the Aristocrats, and that he writes for SpongeBob SquarePants. Crazy cool! Good job internet!


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