
Things that seemed important enough at the time

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Conversation the other week

I had a very odd moment last week. I was walking through the building talking with a couple of people...

Security Guard: Sir, you'll need to check that.

(I don't notice, because it's not like I have a bag or anything)

SG: (a little louder) SIR...

(at this point, I realize he _is_ talking to me, so I look at him)

SG: You're going to have to check that.

(I'm confused. I don't have a bag. He probably notices this in the way I look at him)

SG: You're going to have to check the muffin.

Me: Check..... the muffin?

SG: No food is allowed.

Me: (stunned silence)

I really wasn't able to make good decisions for a while after that. I didn't feel like getting into a muffin argument, so eventually I went to eat the it, and later passed into THE AREA WHERE MUFFINS MAY NOT GO.


Ironically, there was a kitchen where I was going.

I did watch "The Conversation" the other week, but that has nothing to do with this post.


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